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Key Points
Library Research Review
- Evaluate your sources and make sure you are finding and citing scholarly or peer reviewed information.
- Use the CRAAP Test (Currency, Relevancy, Authority, Accuracy, Point of View).
- Be aware of Media Bias. Are the sources you're using skewing your paper's perspective?
- Use scholarly databases to find article, filtering or limiting (see left side options) to "Peer Review" or "Scholarly Articles."
- Also limit by date, or sort your results in "Newest First" order to see the most current results on top.
- Search Google or Google Scholar using site:gov or site:edu to find peer reviewed information from government or education sources.
- Establish a research process that sets up the way you will capture and retain the citations you find most useful.
- Open a WORD or Google document, or and email to send to yourself. You also have a BTC drive to store your work.
- Grab those citations in a standard format, then move into the AFS format when you write your paper.
- Collect your citations, PDFs, full text links, URLs, or whatever you have gleaned from database searching.
- You CAN print out articles or send the PDF to yourself via email or download to your computer.
- BUDGET YOUR TIME. The references and formatting of your paper will take time, so plan for that!
- Remember to put your References in AFS citation format (video 5).
- Let me know if you have questions. I'm here to help.