Bisexual/Bi+ (adjective) – Bisexual is a sexual orientation that describes a person who is emotionally and physically attracted to cisgender women and men. Some people define bisexuality as attraction to all genders may use Bi+ to indicate this. See Pansexual.
Intersex (adjective) – Describes a group of congenital conditions in which the reproductive organs, genitals and/or other sexual anatomy do not develop according to traditional expectations for females or males. Intersex can also be used as an identity term for someone with one of these conditions. The medical community sometimes uses the term differences of sex development (DSD) to describe intersex conditions; however, the term intersex is recommended by several intersex community members and groups.
Lesbian (adjective, noun) – A sexual orientation that describes a woman who is primarily emotionally and physically attracted to other women.
Queer (adjective) – An umbrella term describing people who think of their sexual orientation or gender identity as outside of societal norms. Some people view the term queer as more fluid and inclusive than traditional categories for sexual orientation and gender identity. Although queer was historically used as a slur, it has been reclaimed by many as a term of empowerment. Nonetheless, some still find the term offensive.
Questioning (adjective) – Describes a person who is unsure about, or is exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
Transgender (adjective) – Describes a person whose gender identity and sex assigned at birth do not correspond based on traditional expectations; for example, a person assigned female sex at birth who identifies as a man; or a person assigned male sex at birth who identifies as a woman. Transgender can also include people with gender identities outside the girl/woman and boy/man gender binary structure; for example, people who are gender fluid or non-binary. Sometimes abbreviated as trans.
Transsexual (adjective) – A term used sometimes in the medical literature or by some transgender people to describe people who have gone through the process of medical gender affirmation treatments (i.e., gender-affirming hormones and surgeries).
University of Washington Medicine. (2024). LGBTQ+ Inclusion: Glossary. [Click on hyperlink to the left for more complete list of terms.]