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Open Educational Resources

OER Basics

What are OER?

  • OER Basics [web video, 6:10] by Amy Hofer, Open Oregon Educational Resources. This video provides a quick overview of the problem, the definition of OER, some of the issues surrounding the use of OER, and provides examples of where to find OER.

  • Introduction to Open Educational Resources in OER Starter Kit [web page + embedded video, 3:46] by Abbey Elder. The introduction of this Starter Kit provides a definition of open educational resources, explains the difference between OER and other free educational materials, and describes the challenges and benefits of using OER in a class.

  • Defining OER [web page + embedded video, 1:39] from Lumen Learning. A brief video and overview that focuses on defining OER, the 5Rs and provides examples of how OER are used by different populations.

  • D’Antoni, Susan (2009). Open Educational Resources: reviewing initiatives and issues. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 24, 3-10. [journal article]. While a little dated, this article will give you the background of the OER movement and some of the rationales and barriers to OER adoption.