Library patrons are encouraged to be actively involved in the development and provision of library services to best meet their college-related needs.
Each patron is responsible for his/her behavior in the library. Any activity which disrupts the library, endangers the offender or others, or interferes with the library business of other patrons or staff is prohibited.
In order to encourage and support library patron responsibilities, the library may establish procedures and impose penalties as it deems necessary. This is to ensure fair and proper use of its resources and services, as well as the return of borrowed materials and equipment. These procedures and penalties will be available in the library for public review.
Failure to return items will result in the loss of borrowing privileges until all charges are paid. The use of the library or its services may be denied for due cause. Such causes may include failure to comply with library policies, loss or destruction of library property, disturbance of other library users, or any objectionable conduct in the library.
Children (non-students under 18) may accompany their parents or guardians in the library for short periods of time. The child must to be under direct supervision of the parent or guardian. Children must follow the same rules of conduct that a regular library user follows--quiet and respectful of other people and of library property. Children may not sign up and check out a computer to use. They may share one with the parent or guardian. If after one verbal request to stop unacceptable behavior, the parent or guardian will be asked to leave and return when they can use the library without their child. Requests for exceptions to this policy will be made to the Library Director. Non-students under the age of 18 may not check out Library materials.
Updated 10/23