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BTC Library

Patron Privacy


In alignment with our strategic plan values, Washington State Law RCW 42.56.310, and professional standards as defined by the American Library Association (ALA), BTC Library protects the privacy and “the confidentiality of information sought or received from library users, and any records or electronic data that disclose the materials consulted, borrowed, or acquired by a library user…[including] online search histories, database search records, ILS [integrated library system] records or other circulation records, interlibrary loan records, and all other personally identifiable uses of library materials, facilities, programs or services, such as reference interviews.” The library shares user information with the patron only. The library shares user information with others only at the written* request of the patron.


Confidentiality of Information



If staff members are presented with a court order, search warrant or subpoena requesting information or records, staff should immediately ask for identification. Staff should then refer the person to the Library Director. Staff should understand that it is lawful to refer the law enforcement officer to the Director and that they need not respond immediately to any request for information or records. Staff should not feel compelled to act because of appeals to patriotism.  If the Library Director is not available, refer the law enforcement officer to the Vice President for Instruction, or if the VPI is not available, to the person managing for the VPI that day.

Staff members have a right to contact the Library Director and to have legal counsel present during the search. Upon presentation of a court order or subpoena to the Library Director or the designated authority within the library, the library and all employees subject to such documents shall delay its enforcement until such time as the library may consult with legal counsel and/or American Library Association (ALA) to determine that such document is a valid order.

The Library Director or Vice President of Instruction (or representative) will call the College’s Assistant Attorney General Kerena Higgins 360-676-2047 state, “I need legal advice.” If no one is available, call the Office of Intellectual Freedom (OIF) at the American Library Association: 1-800-545-2433 ext. 4223 and only say “I need legal advice.” The OIF will have legal counsel available to the library within one hour. They will know you are calling because the FBI is present in the library. It is against the law to tell anyone that the FBI has a search warrant. The library’s legal counsel can be present during the actual search provided for by the warrant.

 See Appendices - Patriot Act, ALA Guidelines


42.56.310 Library records.

Any library record, the primary purpose of which is to maintain control of library materials, or to gain access to information, that discloses or could be used to disclose the identity of a library user is exempt from disclosure under this chapter.

[2005 c 274 § 411.]