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Never pay to read an article online!
This database of articles and videos covers all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance and more.
Whether searching for information about presidential candidates, franchise restaurants, the retail industry, business planning, or political participation, Regional Business News will cover the story.
All of the Library's databases from EBSCO can be searched at once, including Business, Nursing, Engineering articles... and more!
This group of full-text databases provide access to articles from newspapers, magazines, and technical and research journals. A great place to start your research.
A simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. BTC Library may have access to some of the articles you find here.
Credo Reference searches approximately 2,119,628 full text articles in 766 titles from 102 publishers. Broad subject coverage includes current and historical information in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences.
Our A-Z list of all BTC library databases contains over 50 links and descriptions to a wide variety of resources.