What Is Interlibrary Loan?
An Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is when one library borrows an item from another library for use by a library patron. ILL is available to BTC Faculty, staff, and students. If you have found an article that is perfect for your research and it is not available in full text, or if you need a book that is not in the BTC Library collection, this may be the way to get it.
Before You Request an Interlibrary Loan
Search for the item in BTC Library OneSearch to make sure it is not available in another format or database, then search WorldCat to see if the item is available from another local library.
Ask for help!
- Library staff may be able to find your item in another format or database, or help you find another relevant resource.
- After hours reference help is available through the Ask WA 24/7 chat service.
- Book-A-Librarian is available if you are in need of more in-depth, one-on-one research assistance.
Requesting an Interlibrary Loan
- Discover a book or an abstract for an article that is not available at BTC Library.
- Ask BTC Library staff for help finding alternative resources available locally.
- Submit an Interlibrary Loan Request Form.
- Requests can take one to two weeks to process and receive. Don't wait until the last minute to do your research!
Receiving Your Interlibrary Loan
- You will be notified by email when your Interlibrary Loan arrives.
- The time it takes to receive your materials will depend on the lending library's location and method of delivery. Items sent by mail can take as long as two weeks.
- Articles will be sent to your email as an attachment or with instructions for accessing the article online. Other materials will be held for you to pick up at the Library Information Desk.
- Return Interlibrary Loan items to a BTC Library book drop by the due date. The loan period will vary according to the policy of the lending library.
- Students are responsible for all costs if an Interlibrary Loan item in their possession is lost or damaged.
For Even MORE information about Interlibrary Loan, see our Research Guide to Interlibrary Loan.