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Social Media Marketing: Managing Presence

Thank you to Georgetown University for allowing us to reuse their Social Media Marketing LibGuide.

Setting Goals

Once you've decided which social media platform(s) to use, your next step is to set a few goals. Ask yourself:

1) What do you want to accomplish?

   You should strive to become a resource in your field specialty.  Find and create information that is valuable to your target audience.

2) Who do you want to reach (target audience)?

   Where are your customers/followers? What social media platforms are they using?

3) How much time to you have to spend on reaching your goal(s)?

4) What does social media success look like to you?

5) How will you know that you have reached your goal(s)?

Remember to set SMART goals:

  • S - Specific (or Significant)
  • M - Measurable (or Meaningful)
  • A - Attainable (or Action-Oriented)
  • R - Relevant (or Rewarding)
  • T - Time-bound (or Trackable)

To get more information about setting goals, click here.

Social Media Funnel

Social Media Funnel

Define your strategy